Which Is the Best Example of a Rhetorical Device Subject Antecedent Agreement

Antecedent is a very important and useful literary tool, as it makes the meaning of a sentence clear to readers. Using references like her, hers, her, her, him and her without prior topic, it would become confusing. Therefore, the antecedent makes the composition words, grammar and expression of the authors clear and precise, because without them, a sentence remains vague and cannot convey an exact meaning. This is a tricky concept, although it is a valid rule as it also helps writers improve their writing style. Hi everyone, my name is Nevaeh, I know everyone needs somehow, one form or another and I am ready to provide. I set up a Google classroom where people can ask me questions and go to work. No question is a stupid question, so don`t be afraid to ask it. Usually, I only focus on the basic topics, but if you ask me, I will do it with other specialized topics. I can test up to the power points :) Pathos, or the appeal to emotion, means convincing an audience by intentionally evoking certain emotions to make them feel what the author wants them to feel. Authors make conscious word choices, use meaningful language, and use examples and stories that evoke emotions. Authors may want a range of emotional reactions, including sympathy, anger, frustration, or even entertainment. Here, Shakespeare uses pronouns with a vague reference, using a singular precursor, “a man,” with the plural pronoun “she.” However, the name is each singular, and the two agree in their numbers. The speaker tries to explain that he did not meet a single person, but everyone knew his name and therefore refers to everyone as “theirs”.

Precursor is an earlier phrase, phrase, or word to which a pronoun, noun, or other word refers. Overall, precursor is a literary means in which a word or pronoun in a line or sentence refers to an earlier word. For example, “While you`re giving treats to kids or friends, give them what they want.” In this line, children and friends are precursors, while they are a pronoun that refers to friends and children. It is a typical linguistic term and comes from grammar. This poem is a very good example of precursors, where the speaker uses the name “enemy” as a precursor and replaces it with the pronoun “it” in the next line. Similarly, he again uses “anger” as a precursor, replacing it with “she.” Logos, or appeal to logic, means appealing to the public`s sense of reason or logic. To use logos, the author makes clear and logical connections between ideas and includes the use of facts and statistics. Using historical and literal analogies to find a logical argument is another strategy. There should be no holes in reasoning, also known as logical errors, which are unclear or false assumptions or links between ideas. Often, precursors and their respective pronouns match in number, which means that if a precursor is singular, the pronoun that replaces it is also singular.

However, sometimes writers do not follow this rule, and we see that singular precursors are replaced by plural pronouns. Similarly, precursors and their subsequent pronouns have the same sex. In this excerpt, the precursor is “wind”, and the pronoun “it” is its name, which it replaces in the third line. The background makes these lines clear and easy for readers to understand. These terms are opposed to each other, as antecedent refers before or before. It is an expression that gives meaning to a form (a noun, a pronoun, a pro-adverb or a pro-verb). Therefore, the proforms follow their respective predecessors such as “Elizabeth says she loves coffee”. Sometimes they are preceded by those proforms or pronouns called postcedes, which means behind or after them, such as, “When it`s done, I`ll definitely have my cup of tea.” In the lines above, bees are used as precursors, and the pronouns “they” and “their” refer to this name that was used earlier. See that the precursor and its pronouns are in italics. If we remove the pronouns, these lines will have a completely different and confusing impression, and the meaning will change. Save my name, email address, and website in this browser to comment next time.

Most people are able to drive a car without fully understanding how the car works. Making an argument is the same thing. Most of us try to convince people every day without understanding how persuasion works. Learning to make a strong case allows us to better communicate and convince others to understand our views. Ethos is used to convey the credibility and authority of the author. When evaluating a text, the reader should know if the author is qualified to comment on that topic. The author may communicate his authority using credible sources; choose the appropriate language; evidence that they have considered the matter fairly (taking into account the counter-argument); the introduction of one`s own professional, academic or educational qualifications; bring their own personal experiences on the subject; and with correct grammar and syntax. 3Ethos: The author establishes his own credibility by stating his profession and experience.> Imagine this: A small dog is sitting in a dark and cold garage. Her hair is tangled and dirty; It is thin and weak on days without food. There is no water to drink, no one to give him love, and no blanket to keep him warm at night.1 Although this is a difficult scenario to imagine, it is not uncommon in America today. According to the Humane Society of the United States, nearly 1,000,000 animals are abused or die of abuse each year.2 As a veterinarian with 30 years of experience, I have seen how even a single case of abuse can affect an animal for the rest of its life.3 As a society, we need to become more aware of this terrible problem and tackle it.

before the situation gets worse. .

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